Leading a business is not easy. Pleasing customers, employees, and investors while also providing a great product and achieving your financial goals is a challenge. Here are five ways Corporate Social Responsibility (devoting time and/or money to important causes) can help.
1. Improves Employee Retention. Effective CSR can help employees feel more connected
to their organization and coworkers, improve transferrable skills, increase productivity,
and it ultimately leads to higher job satisfaction and increased retention rates.
2. Attracts Top Talent. Millennial and GenY workers are prioritizing purpose in choosing
their jobs. In fact, 64% of Millennials say they won’t accept a job with a company that
doesn’t demonstrate corporate social responsibility, and many would take a pay cut to
work for a company whose values align with theirs.
3. Enhances Customer Loyalty. Eighty-seven percent of consumers are more likely to
patronize companies they believe align with their values, and over half will pay more for
products sold by companies that give back. 2020 Nielsen Global Responsibility Report
4. Increases Revenue. Companies that have made corporate social responsibility a priority
5. Doing Good Feels Great. Generosity, whether through dollars or hours, is scientifically
proven to improve happiness, lower stress, increase cardiovascular health and can even
add years to your life. Start today!
Schedule a free consultation to learn more about how corporate giving can work for you.